Cannabis: Indica vs. Sativa Strains

In the diverse landscape of cannabis, two primary classifications—Indica and Sativa—define the characteristics and effects of various strains. Understanding the distinctions between these two types is crucial for individuals seeking specific experiences and benefits from cannabis consumption. Here we’ll break down the differences between Indica vs Sativa strains, helping you navigate the vast world of […]

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tobacco cigarettes

Federal Study Reveals Cannabis Legalization in California Links to Alcohol and Cigarette Decline

A federally funded study suggests that marijuana legalization in California led to a “substitution effect,” with young adults significantly reducing alcohol and cigarette use after cannabis reform. Published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, the research contradicts prohibitionist arguments, revealing no significant increase in marijuana use among young adults below the legal age for dispensaries.

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Anxiety and Sleep: Federal Study Reveals Marijuana’s Superiority Over Alcohol

A recent federally funded study, conducted by researchers from the University of Colorado, Colorado State University, and the University of Haifa, sheds light on the sleep experiences of individuals with anxiety. The study involved 347 participants using cannabis to manage anxiety, with daily surveys conducted over a 30-day period. Sleep quality on non-use days, cannabis-only

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